Present Chris Simon Mineke Sijbren Liz
Apologies Lee Liv Carol
Sijbren to email Scott with details of what we’d like to go on CKA website.
New fliers attached to posters should refer to this website.
Looks likely that mini tournament will be on 6.10.02. Liz to check with teams and coaches. Perse field is £6 per hour and if wet we can transfer to Astroturf at same rate. (Normally Astroturf is more expensive.) Liz to organize refs and schedules. Sijbren to talk to non Milton Road/Newnham Croft children to see if they can enter a team from their school.
Thurs & Fri 17th & 18th Oct, 5 groups of 25 children from 9am – 2.50pm. Age 11-12yrs. Sijbren is happy to do 1 day if other people can do other. Also need volunteers to help with sessions & equipment moved. Can we ask parents, uni if they can help.
Dave Sheldon also keen to see this happen at Chesterton – need to see how this one goes first.
Need to move posts 7 talk to Perse about storage. Need help moving posts for training in Sept. Decision to send Norwich posts back as they are and wait for their response. Simon to tidy old baskets and paint new.
Date of next meeting Thurs 26th Sept at Liv’s house
Meeting closed at 9.05pm.